Don't get burned!

**Warning, there is a picture at the end of this post that is a little graphic. So if you are of the squeamish sort, don't scroll down.

Last Friday I got the kind of phone call that is never fun for moms to get. The one with your child SCREAMING in the background. My 16-month-old little girl was toddling around and followed my mom outside to their deck. She stepped onto the metal threshold of the door and let out a wail. My mom quickly grabbed her, but the damage was done. She had second-degree burns covering the bottom of her foot. Oh, poor baby.

When we took her to the Burn Center they told us that they see this type of injury commonly. Toddlers don't have good balance, and will often freeze when they are getting burned instead of removing their foot. They said they see it from hot asphalt, door thresholds, etc. It's one of those things that we should think about, but often don't. Luckily little Anna healed well and was back to her busy self within a few days.

A few reminders to keep your kids safe and burn free (adapted from the University of Utah Burn Center handout)

1. Keep all pot handles turned back, away from the stove edge. All appliance cords need to be kept coiled and away from counter edges. Curious children may reach up and grab handles or cords.

2. Adequate and constant supervision is the single most important factor in preventing tap water scalds. Provide constant adult supervision of young children or anyone who may experience difficulty removing themselves from hot water on their own.

3. Set water heater thermostats at a temperature no higher than 120 F. An easy method to test this is to allow hot water to run for 3-5 minutes then test with a candy, meat or water thermometer. Adjust the water heater and wait a full day to allow the temperature to change. Re-test and readjust as needed.

4. When using a gas grill, check all connections leading from the fuel source to the inlet connection of the grill for leaks. A leak can be detected by spraying soapy water at the connections. If bubbles surface, there is a leak. SHUT TANK VALVE OFF and tighten all the connections. If leaks continue, have a certified dealer check the grill before using it again.

Scroll down for the pictures of Anna's foot, and watch those hot surfaces!

A week later at her follow-up visit