Employee Spotlight!

Our next Employee Spotlight is Bailee!

 Bailee has been a part of our awesome office for 1 year as a Medical Assistant!

Her favorite food are French fries from Red Robin.
Her hobbies include sleeping, snowboarding, camping, and playing with her dog.
Her favorite holiday is Thanksgiving, because she loves to eat!

Her hero is her grandma, because even though she isn't here, she was kind and the most selfless person. She strives to be like her daily!
If she could travel anywhere, she would go to Disneyland every day...forever! She also would go anywhere out of the country to experience their snow for snowboarding.

If she had 1 million dollars, she would quit her job and start a family.

What she LOVES about her job is all her co-workers, providers, and the patients! They are what make the job fun and keep her coming back every day.

Love you all....PEACE OUT!

Thank you Bailee for letting us get to know you better!
